The disadvantages and advantages of PVC flooring PVC地板的缺点优点

Home    The disadvantages and advantages of PVC flooring PVC地板的缺点优点

       1. Green and environmentally friendly: The main raw material for producing PVC plastic flooring is polyvinyl chloride, which is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic renewable resource. It has been widely used in people's daily lives, such as tableware, medical infusion tubes, etc. Its environmental friendliness is not a concern. The main component of stone plastic flooring (sheet material) is natural stone powder, which has been tested by national departments and does not contain any radioactive elements. It is also a new type of green and environmentally friendly floor decoration material. Any qualified PVC plastic flooring needs to pass the IS09000 international quality system certification and ISO14001 international green environmental protection certification.


       2. High elasticity and super strong impact resistance

Super strong anti slip, fireproof and flame-retardant: The fire resistance index of PVC plastic flooring with qualified quality can reach B1 level, which means that the fire resistance performance is excellent, second only to stone. PVC plastic flooring itself does not burn and can prevent combustion; The smoke generated by high-quality PVC plastic flooring when passively ignited does not harm the human body and does not produce toxic and harmful gases (according to the safety department, 95% of people who are injured in fires are caused by the toxic smoke and gases produced during combustion).

超强防滑 防火阻燃:质量合格的PVC塑胶地板防火指标可达B1级,B1级也就是说防火性能出色,仅次于石材。PVC塑胶地板本身不会燃烧并且能阻止燃烧;高品质的PVC塑胶地板在被动点燃时所产生的烟雾也对不会对人体产生伤害,不会产生致息性的有毒有害气体(据安全部门提供的数字:在火灾中95%受到伤害的人是由于燃烧时产生的有毒害的烟雾及气体所至)。

       3. Waterproof and moisture-proof: PVC plastic flooring is mainly composed of vinyl resin and has no affinity with water, so it is naturally not afraid of water. As long as it is not soaked for a long time, it will not be damaged; And it will not mold due to high humidity.


       4. Sound absorption and noise prevention: PVC flooring has a sound absorption effect that cannot be compared to ordinary flooring materials. Its sound absorption can reach 20 decibels, so choose PVC plastic flooring in quiet environments such as hospital wards, libraries, lecture halls, cinemas, etc. You no longer need to worry about the sound of high heels hitting the ground affecting your thinking. PVC plastic flooring can provide you with a more comfortable and humane living environment.




       7、安装施工快捷 花色品种繁多 耐酸碱腐蚀:经机构检验,PVC地板具有较强的耐酸碱腐蚀的性能,可以经受恶劣环境的考验,适合在医院、实验室、研究所等地方使用。

       8、保养方便 ;环保可再生:当今是一个追求可持续发展的时代,新材料新能源层出不穷,PVC塑胶地板是能再生利用的地面装饰材料,这对于保护我们的地球自然资源和生态环境具有巨大的意义。


Created on:2024年4月26日 17:10